3 alternatives to traditional marriage

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014 | 18.47

If you are not someone who would like to tie the knot the established way, here's what you can go in for

Living together
One of the best alternatives to traditional marriages, living together is an ideal way to discover yourself as well as your partner. Marriage is all about commitment between two individual, so is love. Thus, if you are madly in love with your beloved, but both are not willing to tie the knot, living with each other is a great option.

Stayover relationship
A relationship trend that has gained momentum in the West, a stayover relationship is more like a living in relationship, but here you only stay with your partner once or twice in a week. It's more like spending the nights together under one roof, despite having separate houses.

Open marriage
This one is probably one of the hardest relationship trends and is mostly misunderstood by couples. An open marriage or an open relationship is being together but having an understanding that if you wish to move out of the relationship, you are free to do that without being questioned or emotionally targeted by the other person.

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