Join the cat walk

Written By Unknown on Rabu, 26 Maret 2014 | 18.47

A moderately sloppy, kiss-on-the-nose of our city's animal citizens

Dr Jyotsna Changrani of Chimbai village in Bandra is one of those "crazy" cat ladies that every neighbourhood should cherish. The one that feeds strays every day (spending up to Rs 35,000 a month on food alone), medicates them, sterilises them and fights belligerent neighbours for her right to do so.

She combines forces with her neighbourhood MCubed (Maharashtra Mitr Mandal) library to do a "Cat walk" for children around the area. It all started when her elder daughter, Anamika, made a chart about The Cat Carer's Community in her area for school.It should be passed around as a prototype to make corporate PowerPoint presentations more absorbing. In it she details what the volunteers do, why it's important to sterilise animals, includes an X-ray of a cat's broken arm for illustration and concludes that the volunteers get kisses and cuddles which keeps them happy.

When Vibha Kamat of MCubed saw this chart, she invited Jyotsna to introduce children to her animals. A mix of ages and genders enthusiastically joined in and most of them already have animals at home."One 11 or 12-year-old had even helped a cat give birth to kittens," says Jyotsna.

She introduces them to the 60 cats and few dogs in the area,telling them stories about each of them, the importance of sterilising and feeding them, showing them how to tell the male cats from the female and explaining why she wears the same tattered tee, shorts and shoes ensemble every day (so that they can recognise the smell of all the animals she communes with). She ends by showing them the art she and her girls produce.

"Sometimes, the talk veers into uncomfortable life and death territory and I don't know how much truth I should give out," says Jyotsna. "I was showing them a painting I had made of Birbal the at and told them he is now buried by the sea.Some of the children kept asking by why is he not here." They could not make the connection between being dead and being buried, and thus not being present.

Jyotsna, her husband Siddharth and their household major doom Anita feed the animals twice a day,in a loop of 50 minutes each— once between 7 am and 8 am; then again at 5.30 pm. It started when Siddharth lost his childhood companion dog and Jyotsna suggested this as a way of coping with the grief. They are vigilant about providing medical care and sterilising all the new visitors. Besides all the happiness the furry bodies throw at her, she says the routine helps her get compulsory exercise.

So if you see a lady in a tattered green tee with a bag of food, and trailing cats and dogs like a comet, say hello. There might be a lick or purr in it for you.

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